Electrical Outages

by stewart

We are in the middle of a war between Darkness and Light.

Is it no wonder that so many in this country are now without power and Light; and countless others worry each time a strong wind blows their power will go out. It is estimated that 4 million in Florida alone were effected by the recent hurricane and lost electricity, power and Light.

Ask yourself, why has the electrical grid been allowed to decay, remain vulnerable and selected areas go out so often? Why haven’t these maintenance issues been resolved. You can give me reasons, explanations that the equipment has grown older, and expansion happened quickly. These reasons may be valid, to a point, but they no longer work for me. These problems have been ongoing for a long time and many of them should have been corrected. Who are the people stopping their resolution?

Simply- when the electric goes out, we cannot turn on the Light, and are in the Dark.

Darkness exerts its power.



Science & Religion

The outcome of Sufi mystery teaching and human development is the completed person. In other traditions, these spiritually developed individuals are called Buddha, Sadhu, enlightened one, servant of God, saint, mystic, medicine man, Rishi or heretic. Yet what each of these people has in common is they have achieved a level of spiritual development, which […]

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