Where have all the old men gone?

Take me to that place

so I can tell tales of days gone by.

Stories of loves won and lost:

Fortunes made or never realized.


Yes. Take me to that place

so I can laugh and celebrate anew:

if only for a few, short minutes.

Take me where limbs don’t ache

and fears are forgotten.

Where old friends smile at familiar jokes

and play card games

in a gentle autumn sun.


For now, I sit in my room

listening to the phone ring.

Usually, some one selling me something

or calling for a donation.

And when I turn on my computer,

more advertisements and messages

from people I don’t know.


Yes. Take me to that place

where old men go

and laughs are born anew.

Where friends welcome me

with hugs and knowing smiles;

and there are kisses

from all my furry friends.


Sometimes, I think old men

are like familiar, comfortable shoes

that have fallen on the carpet floor;

waiting for the day

they will be worn again:

dancing in the morning air.


* *



When the Timeless enters that is an hour to celebrate; opening to the glory and joy of this Eternal Essence. Brothers and Sisters open wide your arms; Embrace the Loving Peace.   Early on, we were taught when this Kiss is Bestowed get-up and do something for another; Write some thing, call some one; Share […]

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Public Education & Spirituality

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Breaking News: Barn Yard Headlines

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A Song to Sing

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Electrical Outages

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Science & Religion

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What Is Going On In This World?

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Your Own Way

Q: In this time of your gray hair, what advice would you offer the spiritual traveler? A: After all the years, full of successes, trials and failures- it would be: Follow your own way. Make your own way through this world, as best you can, and seek that part of yourself that knows why you […]

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Break Free

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Human Development: How To Create Better People?

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