When we were children
There was a game we would play.
My bothers and I would ask
Where the greatest treasure was hidden.
Was it buried beneath the sands of Arabia,
Or buried in the mines of Africa?
Were the riches to be uncovered
In the tombs of the Egyptian Kings,
Or was the gold of Cortez a finer prize?
As we grew older
We continued our search;
Journeying into different parts of the land.
We built our homes
On a mountain, in a city,
And by the sea. Each looking
In our own way for the key.
The one day
I met a man
Who told me:
The treasure you have sought
Lies within.
When you uncover The Name
Beneath the layers of dust
That surrounds your heart,
The Gates of Paradise will open.
And each day
As the Light flows across my heart,
This Jewel sparkles a little more-
Singing Praise to the Light’s ever lasting glory.
Check-out my two books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream. Both books are available through Amazon.com or local bookstore.
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