Divine Friction

by stewart

Master: Clapping his hands, the Master called to the Traveler, “Now awake from the slumber which has been your life and ask me the questions that fill your mind?”

Traveler: Slowly opening his eyes, trying to acclimate to the world of forms, the traveler queried, “Master, I know you have spoken about the meaning of opposites many times, and how on a deep, inner level they are really connected; combining to form the fabric of our lives. Yet, I am still confused; why must life be a series of ups and downs; happiness and sadness. Why can’t life be a singular joyful experience of the Light? Why is the world created both as a source of great joy and sadness?”

Master: “The world is a multi-level expression of the Light; at their center, as you have just experienced, all things are connected and One; and once you have sipped of this Unity, your heart is joyful and triumphant — having tasted its home. Yet even with this proof, mind continues to question; for that is part of its job. Remember, darkness and light; joy and pain work together by creating a friction or resistance, sometimes clashing in upon themselves; this resistance, or unease, propels the traveler forward; always seeking and questioning — until the day, when the traveler experiences the singular, connecting, glorious spiritual Unity and answer. As one of the Servants of God has said, “gazing at the earth from the moon, all things — human wants and desires — are lost in the Oneness of this magnificent, multi-colored orb as it travels through the heavens.”

Traveler: And as the traveler sat and considered the Master’s reply; he realized anew, in this journey, mind asks the question, and heart ultimately answers it.



This taken from my new book: Beyond The River’s Gate. Book is available on Amazon.com in paperback, Kindle format or local bookstore.

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