It is said that when you take only one step toward Him/Her,
He advances ten steps toward you.
But the complete truth is that God is always with you.
Q: Is the completed person, one who has achieved God Consciousness, a God? This is what some traditions claim. Can you clarify this point?
A: First we must discuss limitations on our discussion. The claims of different traditions have to be viewed from within that tradition. It is very difficult for an observer to understand or fully comprehend what is operating unless the observer has first hand experience; we operate under the assumption that all faiths are true at a certain level.
Also it is very difficult to put into words a spiritual state or a spiritual level that one has not yet attained. However useful comparisons may be made. Last we must take into account historical perspective. When each of the great faiths was initiated and when the title of ‘god’ was conferred, the term may have meant something a little different than what it means today in our monotheistic culture. Many cultures acknowledge the existence of spiritual entities that govern plants, forests and mountains. In these traditions, there are different levels of ‘gods’ and ‘gods’ for all natural phenomena.
With our strides in science and present focus upon exploration of self and religion, we are beginning to understand some of these miraculous ‘phenomena’ as extensions of natural laws. Interestingly enough, that is what the wise ones have always said concerning their ‘miracles.’
The outcome of all mystery traditions and human development systems is the completed person. In some traditions these spiritually developed individuals are called Buddha, Sadhu, and enlightened one, servant of God, saint, mystic or heretic. Yet what each of these people has in common is they have achieved a level of spiritual development, which in the context of their faith, is extraordinary. Along with this level of spiritual development are capacities that appear miraculous, simply because they are not understood. Yet the person, who uses these capacities when questioned, describes them as extensions of natural laws, which they intuitively and purposefully direct to carry out their function.
Also part of the confusion surrounding this issue comes about due to specific statements made by individuals who were deemed highly spiritually developed. Some of these statements were termed heretical and people were executed for making them.
Part of the mystical path, is a state, called annihilation. In this state, the worldly consciousness is annihilated or destroyed and the spirit is unified and briefly becomes one with Truth/God. In this state, should the person speak and sometimes the energy is so strong and joyous, they assert out loud, “I Am The Way.” or “I Am The Truth.”
When this happens, it is not the person speaking, but the spirit or energy that is moving through them, asserting Itself. This Energy is the Logos or Spirit of God; for this energy, or Light, is the binding force of the universe and is the Way and the Truth. It is suggested that Jesus, in part, was killed for making this statement. Similarly a Muslim Saint, Al-Hallaj was disemboweled for making this claim.
From our perspective, that which is greater than the universe is different than that which is created. Although a part of God is in everyone, no matter how well advanced a spiritual entity we are not the Creator or the same as the Creator.
Some traditions assert the Logos takes on a human form to carry out its mission. Perhaps this is true and this is a wonderful event, however, is this, the same as the Creator entering the world of forms? Each must come to a decision about this on their own, and, it is suggested, the event be viewed within the context of the specific faith asserting this.
Check-out my two books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream. Both books are also in Kindle format and available on or local bookstore.
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