Beyond words and desires,
There is an underlying Reality that unifies everything.
This Reality and the method to perceive it
Is the birthright of humanity.
In their journey through this world,
Most travelers become distracted
And fix on all manner of things.
In a sense these things become their reality
And then have no need of anything higher.
* *
Brief is our stay in this world.
Yet as we disconnect
From our higher nature,
These hours seem like an eternity.
* *
Many make religion too complicated a thing.
Religion should be natural;
A joy and as refreshing
As a clear, cool drink of water.
Check-out my two books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream. Both books are also in Kindle format and available on or local bookstore.
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isn’t it lovely that there are so many ways to get “there” from “here” – as we in New England like to put it!
For the spiritual traveler,
all the roads go to the same place . . .
So many people look outside of themselves for a sense of peace. They should really be looking inside.
Yes, we have been Given enough for the journey . . .