2 Reviews: The World of Pond Stories, By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Stephen Tidbury “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” This quote, attributed to Albert Einstein, tells us that the world needn’t be as complicated as we make it out to be. And indeed, “The World of Pond”, Stewart Bitkoff’s latest book, demonstrates the truth of this. Written […]

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What Some Days Are Like

Some days, getting-up in the morning is like going to the dentist and having your rotting tooth pulled. You wake-up with pain, get some treatment which causes additional pain, and then, over the hours, you wait for the pain to slowly subside. That is what this morning has been like: a long, lingering headache with […]

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Reviewers Wanted: New Book- The World of Pond Stories, By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

For your short review that will be used for publicity purposes and on Amazon, I will forward an e-copy of new book which is due out after 1/10/18 (287 pages).  Contact me if you are interested via the online form or my page on Facebook. Thanks. About The Book The World of Pond Stories, introductory piece to the series, […]

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Universal Oneness

There is a life giving and sustaining element in the Universe that is pure creative energy.  It is in everything, has consciousness and is the basis for what we know as Reality.  It has a potential and endless ways of expressing itself; part of this energy is in you and me: it is the inner […]

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Attention & Smartphones

I just read an article entitled, ‘Keep Your Focus,’ in AARP Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 10, which is published by American Association of Retired Persons and they were discussing the use of Smartphones on our thought and personal focus (attention).  This article indicated that the average American touches their Smartphone over 2617 times per day; […]

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Wisdom Journey

Wisdom is a catalyst, That improves your life. It can arrive in different forms: Such as words, deeds, experience or instruction.   While many are sent to help along the way, Ultimately each traveler is responsible for themselves And their own wisdom journey. -SB

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The Secret Meaning of Reincarnation Theory

“The Soul passes, from the Deity, into the gross material world.  It then has to return to the Godhead by successively passing through six phases: Angels, Demons, Men, Quadrupeds, Birds, and Reptiles.” This statement found in traditional teachings, has been assumed by literalists and those without insight, to mean that members of the human race […]

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Getting Out of the House

An acquaintance and I were talking about retirement: some of the pros and cons.  He mentioned that he wanted to work another 5 years or so: he could use the money and after so many years on the job, he was really good at what he did. Looking back, I said, I wish that when […]

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Reluctant Traveler

If you live long enough, Life will take you down roads You never would have walked: If it were solely up to you.   And in the traveling You may yell, cry, and scream And even laugh; It is all part of the journey. -SB

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Grandmother’s Blessing

The other day I was reaching for a way to express, in part, some of my feelings about what is currently going on all around us- the tremendous turmoil from so many directions.  From my focusing inward this appeared; I guess one way to summarize this piece is that the old ways are making way […]

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When You Destroy Hope

This is for those who are being trampled by a health system that doesn’t cure- with medications which cause more illness, a disability system that doesn’t help and a political system that is corrupted by greed. I remember a doctor friend of mine offering: “If you want to control a population, one way is to […]

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