Public Education & Spirituality

by stewart

Due to an inch of snow, the schools were on a 2 hour delay. This scheduling change allowed for the roads to get cleared before buses and students began to travel.

From our apartment, I saw 2 older students walking toward the bus stop with an adult. Nowadays adults accompany students to the bus stop to make sure they get on safely. What struck me was that both students walked gingerly across the snow, but had their eyes fixed on the screen of their smart phone. Yes- from an early age- in both school and home we teach the young to focus on the digital world and it’s outward view- and not be present in the moment -like focusing on the snow.

For as long as I can remember, I have had a love/hate thing with public education and what is missing. Generally, I never felt comfortable in the classroom and would day dream, gazing out the window. That is just the way I am and saw many, who on the surface, appeared to enjoy learning in our public schools. To me, the schools were an indoctrination system teaching me to fit into the larger culture. Of course I didn’t put this all together until much later in life. Don’t get me wrong, there are many good, sincere teachers and learning does occur that is important and useful- but to me, most often I had to force myself to accept any of this. I had to push myself to do school work; struggling some to get out of high school. Later I came to understand this unease was my own basic primal unease; pushing me forward to get an inner answer.

So watching those 2 students going to school, focusing outward, engaging on their cell phones, brought me back to that place of what has been missing for many people from their early education. For me, it was how to make the journey inward and discover who you are on a deep, personal, spiritual level. Now you will say, well this is not the role of public education, and I say- why not? This vital spiritual piece (not religious) is one of the key elements that is missing in our culture; and why is this? Because people who know who they really are do not allow themselves and this world to become such a mess. They have embraced their essential, human nature- which allows them to become more whole, share resources with others openly and make the world a better place for everyone.

What is stopping this transformation from occurring? In my view, not enough people who control things- want this positive, uplifting change to happen. They are busy grabbing for themselves. In the main, that is why this learning is omitted. These makers of public policy want a chaotic world. In this way, they can continue to ‘run their game,’ and take from others.

What do you want? How do you make it happen?

Work on yourself and, in time, personal answers will emerge.

For this moment, enjoy this short piece below; it is a gift from the universe.


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For You Today

For you today, what I wish
is that you sit quietly, for a moment,
and go deep within yourself.

There amidst the chatter and worry
is a deep quiet, loving place
that is your center.
Find this place. It is there. Don’t give-up.

It is the treasure you have been seeking,
and is waiting for you to pick-it-up
and use its miraculous powers;
to transform yourself
and make this world
a planet of sunshine, love,
abundance and caring for each other.

Remember, one by one
we reach higher,
and help others
drink deeply
and embrace our Collective Potential.

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