Radio Appearances: The Spiritual Journal, Works & Writings of Stewart Bitkoff

by stewart

PortraitIf you missed it, you can still listen to my latest radio guest appearance, which aired live yesterday, on The Illuminati Network’s Radio Talk Show, with host SliverWolf Williams where we discussed my spiritual journey and a sample of my writings including my blog, and two recent books, The Ferryman’s Dream, and A Commuter’s Guide to Enlightenment.

Save the Date: Saturday, 7/20/13, 1pm for a second live appearance on The Illuminati Network’s Radio Talk Show where host SilverWolf Williams and I will continue discussing my life, spiritual journey, works and writings. Listeners can call with questions for me too, I hope to hear from you.

Call-In Questions: 267-507-0072  To Listen Live, 1pm:  (click the show The Informative Voice Of Paganism)

About The Show: Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, spiritual traveler is a student of Sufi Mysticism and the perennial philosophy. Professionally, specializing in the healing applications of therapeutic recreation, psychiatric rehabilitation and mental health treatment, Bitkoff holds a doctorate in education and served as a faculty member for numerous colleges and universities. His book, Sufism for the Western Seeker was nominated by Foreword magazine for the Adult Non Fiction Religious Book of Year Book award and placed 4th in the competition receiving honorable mention. On The Illuminati Network’s Radio Talk Show series featuring Bitkoff, host SilverWolf Williams will explore Bitkoff’s life, spiritual journey, and writings.


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