Radio Show Appearance, 6/6/18, 8- 9 pm

by stewart

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff Radio Show Guest Appearance: This Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 8-9pm EST, Mystic Living Today, Natalie Meets the Authors,” An Interview with Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

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Join Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, award winning author, authority on Sufi learning, Wednesday 6/6/18, 8 pm EST, as Mystic Living Today’s radio talk show host, Natalie, interviews the author about “Solutions to Complex Problems” and his most recent book, “The World of Pond Stories.”

Dr. Bitkoff will enlighten audience goers with his perspective on how to solve the world’s multifaceted societal problems (i.e. school and mass shootings, gun control, rebuilding after natural disasters, etc.). He will discuss what will help to make “better people” and, in turn, the world a “better place.” So join Natalie and Dr. Bitkoff as they explore solutions to complex problems, Wednesday 6/6/2018, 8pm EST.

About the Dr. Steward Bitkoff 

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff is an avid student of Sufi mysticism and the perennial philosophy. Specializing in therapeutic recreation, psychiatric rehabilitation, and mental health treatment, he holds a doctorate in education and served on the faculties of six colleges and universities. He regularly writes on his personal blog,, and contributes to multiple online venues including Wisdom Magazine, New Age Journal and other mystical/spiritual blogs.

Published Books:

Contact Dr. Bitkoff:

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