Religion: Bridge to the Divine

by stewart

Q:    For my spiritual health, does this mean I should turn away from organized religion?

A:    For many the great religions are the bridge that leads to the Divine.

If you are Muslim, seek to be a better Muslim.  Similarly if you are a Jew or Catholic seek to be a better Jew or Catholic.

Each of the great religions, as their spiritual teachings are followed, provides a path to God.

Over time, the traveler must learn to follow the inner teaching or heart of their religion, and as needed, discard unserviceable external clothing.

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You are the door that blocks your way. Open it.

Experience another part of yourself.

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Higher Law

Traveler:          Holy one, tell us of the Law.

Master:            The Law is inscribed

On the heart of each traveler.

Beneath the layers of dust

That surround each heart is the Golden Rule.


The Law is also written in the Books

And is known to all.


It is written: That which brings you closer

To the Beloved

Is the Measure.


Travelers know what is holy and correct,

Yet allow them selves to be deceived

By their selfish desire.

If travelers would ask, in prayer,

God would help each traveler

Resist their own lower urges.


If you will pray and sincerely ask,

God will cleanse your heart;

And God’s Law

Will light your inner darkness.


Remember if you will take 1 step toward God:

God will take 10 steps toward you.



Check-out my two books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream.  Both books are also in Kindle format and available on or local bookstore.

If you are interested in learning more about universal mysticism and Sufism, contact:




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