In these troubling times, when it seems as if the world and its people are going crazy, what is a personal reasonable response?
I offer this 3 part formula, which appears in my paper, The Sufi Call, Making the World Better:
Here are 3 actions people can take every day and contribute to making things better.
The Formula
First, work on yourself to become the best version of yourself.
Second, join hands with others and contribute to making your family, community and world better.
Third, in each thought/action reach higher; seek to take the high road: expressing the highest part of self.
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When I live my life this way, my days are full and happy. Thank you for sharing your work with me. All blessings on your life.
Hi Lyla: Good to hear from you and telling me how much you enjoyed my work. If you have time take a look at my books or material on Facebook; you may find these helpful. Be well. Again thanks for reaching out. Stewart